Monday, October 10, 2011

just something to think about

so much as happened since april. got married, got a year older, enjoyed family and friends, concerts etc.....

this sunday chris and i went into portsmouth. we were blessed with amazing weather this weekend and even today. we took a walk to strawberry bank and on our way there we saw this huge black board.
people were invited to write what they wanted before they die.
 i wrote a couple of things down such a FEARLESS, LOVE MYSELF and FORGIVE MYSELF
 one young girl wrote "LIVE" i had tears rolling down my face. a few people wrote fall in love, marry legally(these too made me cry) and people also wrote down places they hope to travel to.
this made me think how often i find myself not living, but how i'm full of worries. maybe i should do this excercise more often.
with each step i will do my best to LIVE MY LIFE as best as i can.( i'm working on a poem for this photo)

may you all live the life you have been given.
hugs and smiles~ jill

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sharing some much over due art

Easter Egg 2011

Art Piece from class

This years Valentines Day gift

I really need to be better at sharing my art and myself with others.
I tend to compare myself with others and do it more often than I'd like to admit.
Why does it matter so much that I forget the talents and beauty that I have.
We ALL possess talent and beauty.

Thanks for stopping by!
hugs + smiles~ Jill

Sunday, January 30, 2011

i'm thankful i took the time to look

this is a picture from this past fall. i was walking through a cemetery and with my LOVE for trees i had to take this picture. when i really stopped to look at the tree i saw a bunny head. do you see it? the eye and ear? funny thing is not only do i LOVE trees i LOVE bunnies too.
at one point when i was in my teens i had three bunnies and yes, i took care of them. my first bunnies name was francis elizabeth and she was so sweet. maybe this is her coming to me in another form, to say thank you.
next time you take a picture or go for a walk really look at what is around you.